About Us
恒中学生少年军团是一个非常注重纪律的制服团体, 其目的是为了提高团员们的体能以及吃得起苦的精神, 也能提高一些对于急救和露营的基本常识。此外, 步操也是一项对于团员们的考验, 每一次的训练, 不仅仅是锻炼身体, 也是培养团员们彼此之间的默契, 合作精神以及感情。能不能在赛场上震撼全场就看团员们彼此之间的默契以及配合了。
Kadet Remaja Sekolah is a well-disciplined uniformed body. The motive of this uniform body is to build up the student’s body strength and toughness, at the same time to increase their knowledge about First Aid and camping skills. Besides, marching is one of our main activity. Each and every training will help to strengthen the body and also improve the relationship between the cadets. The key to victory during competition is based on how good our relationship is.